Forums - MVC2: Colossus is he all what he's crack up to be? Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MVC2: Colossus is he all what he's crack up to be? ( Posted by KungfuJoe on 01:05:2002 05:36 PM: Colossus is he all what he's crack up to be? There was a time when one of the only solution to beat Magneto was Colossus. I personal think that he is a better Hulk.(since there are a lot of simularities to them) What is your take on him as a assist and against other top tiers spiral,storm,magneto,cable,strider,and doom Posted by Silent Storm on 01:05:2002 09:22 PM: yeah that dash assist type while come out of nowhere and just nail you. but i think if you play against it right none of the top tiers should a problem with him Posted by Raz0r on 01:05:2002 09:31 PM: Collusus pretty much sucks. Only thing that I think he has going for him is the ability to use super armor and block unlike Metal Zangief. His Dash assist is great for stopping rushdown, but he as a character gets owned by rushdown. Though Collusus/Tronne do very heavy damage. Posted by BIG BAD MOG on 01:06:2002 02:56 AM: Well, I always used Jin's assist to stop characters that like to rush down. I go into AHVB afterwards. Works like a charm, until they start to do keep-away. Posted by NerenatwaH on 01:06:2002 04:31 AM: If you're Magneto, fighting against a super armor colossus. All you have to do is fp.throw. Then a snapback. Automatically colossus will get out of his super armor mode. Posted by mixup on 01:06:2002 04:38 AM: How the hell are you supposed to hit him after a fp throw{if you mean in the air then i understand..}? I thougt collosus had higher throwing priority than magneto also..? Posted by ogretactics on 01:06:2002 04:45 AM: There's throwing priorities in MvC2? This may be old or something but i've never heard of this crap.Anybody care to explain? -Peace Posted by BlackShinobi on 01:06:2002 04:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by ogretactics There's throwing priorities in MvC2? This may be old or something but i've never heard of this crap.Anybody care to explain? -Peace After Super Armor Throw Priority is probably the best thing about Colossus He grabs anything Its easy to get accidental grab with him just because some jumps in on you while yor trying to do f+HP Posted by DeathFromAbove on 01:06:2002 07:20 AM: Throw priority? Are we talking about the throw range here? Colossus can throw many opponents before they are in range of a C.LK (or whatever), and can grab them before many slow-starting attacks will come out...but can a throw really outprioritize a normal attack? -DFA Posted by Chaos on 01:06:2002 06:24 PM: Well, I always used Jin's assist to stop characters that like to rush down. I go into AHVB afterwards. Works like a charm, until they start to do keep-away. __________________________________________________ __________ And just WTF does jin's assist and the AHVB have to do with collossus' ability to withstand rushdown?!?? Thats like saying my spiral doesn't lose because if people pressure me I launch to Tempest combo. Seriously, get a clue as to what the topic is about before you post random nuggets of idiocy............ Posted by REALPLAYER on 01:06:2002 07:02 PM: quote: Originally posted by Chaos Well, I always used Jin's assist to stop characters that like to rush down. I go into AHVB afterwards. Works like a charm, until they start to do keep-away. __________________________________________________ __________ And just WTF does jin's assist and the AHVB have to do with collossus' ability to withstand rushdown?!?? Thats like saying my spiral doesn't lose because if people pressure me I launch to Tempest combo. Seriously, get a clue as to what the topic is about before you post random nuggets of idiocy............ Random nuggets of idiocy!! Posted by Super Armor on 01:07:2002 02:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Throw priority? Are we talking about the throw range here? Colossus can throw many opponents before they are in range of a C.LK (or whatever), and can grab them before many slow-starting attacks will come out...but can a throw really outprioritize a normal attack? -DFA If we are talking about a Super Super Armored Colossus, and I think we are, the answer is Yes. Posted by TS on 01:07:2002 03:11 AM: I didn't know Colossus was cracked up to be much of anything anymore... I do believe Colossus AAA also tracks like Cammy's but I don't have the game with me... Against Colossus Magneto can: 1. Run away 2. DHC out That's basically all. And if Colossus has BH with him (one of my old teams was Spiral/Colossus/BH), he can't even runaway too well. quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Throw priority? Are we talking about the throw range here? Colossus can throw many opponents before they are in range of a C.LK (or whatever), and can grab them before many slow-starting attacks will come out...but can a throw really outprioritize a normal attack? -DFA Sure...that's the whole concept behind throwing people out of stuff. And throws actually do have certain priorities in relation to other throws...just get some emulator and put Fierce for 1p and 2p on the same button, and then do the same with towards...certain characters throws will beat other's all the time. But I think for the most part, people got priorities and ranges confused in this thread. Posted by PoP N Fresh on 01:07:2002 03:41 AM: Colossus aint no joke if u know how to play with him. I play with Colosus,hulk,Juggernaut and let me tell u what colossus will tear u a new asshole if u are up against a good player who knows how to use him..this guy from tallahasse show'ed me some good stuff on how to play with colossus and omg he Hurts. just words of the wise when u see colossus on youre screen put youre guard up. Posted by intangiBLZ on 01:07:2002 04:21 AM: Colosus,hulk,Juggernaut is a tight ass team. All three characters take damage insanely well, have powerful combo's, and compliment each other great. Oh yeah and if you can trap the other guy in the corner they're so fucked. here's an awesome Collosus corner combo jumping roundhouse (call hulk dash assist), jump and catch them with the his throw special (qcf lp rotate the joystick for more damage) OTG, s. hk , sj. lp,lk, lp , dash special (qcf lk) dash super move (qcf two punches) Posted by Mephisto on 01:07:2002 05:01 AM: well i use this team now-a-days... for fun of coarse... but it's pretty hella good... collosus/bh/cyclops it works wonders on magneto.... what i do is, call out bh, and then do collosus' fierce kick fireball.. he goes up, lands on the other side of him... now most players don't go for the launch, beause they get hit by BH, so then when ur on the other side.. ur oponent could either.. if fast enough down lk launch... orrr throw... that's why u either take a risk and try to hit him after the cross up with down low kick, medium kick, fireball with kick... orr anticipate a throw and do one of ur own, u'll either throw him first or instantly tech magneto's throw... now keep in mind this should all be done if possible in super armor mode... because then u don't have to worry about getting launched, and the throw.. like i said anticipation-masterbation-elimination!!!!! hahahaha Posted by BlackShinobi on 01:07:2002 06:13 AM: I didn't like BH with Colossus for some reason but I did make a nice short combo for them that does good damage, + BH AAA, qcf hk, dive super the ice keeps them form flying across screen after the dash Posted by dkerbs on 01:07:2002 06:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by PoP N Fresh Colossus aint no joke if u know how to play with him. I play with Colosus,hulk,Juggernaut and let me tell u what colossus will tear u a new asshole if u are up against a good player who knows how to use him..this guy from tallahasse show'ed me some good stuff on how to play with colossus and omg he Hurts. just words of the wise when u see colossus on youre screen put youre guard up. I've noticed this as well. I think he has some really damaging otg's. I'm not quite sure how they work but it goes something like launcher sj lp lk mp mk into either super, that shoulder dash hit or the grab where you are twisted around. Some of those can do hella damage. Posted by BarrelO on 01:07:2002 09:27 AM: Since a few of you don't seem to understand the snapback glitch, let me explain it in a bit more detail. When Colossus is in Super Armor mode, do a punch throw (the one with the rocks). Then while he's encased in the rocks, hit him with a snapback. He won't get snapped out, but his super armor will be gone. Granted, he can break out of the rocks, but if you throw him in the corner, you can hit him while he's bouncing and he can't get out. Posted by KungfuJoe on 01:12:2002 05:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by Raz0r Collusus pretty much sucks. Only thing that I think he has going for him is the ability to use super armor and block unlike Metal Zangief. His Dash assist is great for stopping rushdown, but he as a character gets owned by rushdown. Though Collusus/Tronne do very heavy damage. I've allways thought that once your in super armor mode multiple Ahvb are render useless against Colosuss. Posted by psx2000 on 01:13:2002 02:24 AM: I just thought I would let you know that I edited your topic. Please read this thread though, . It will save you from getting any future threads closed. Thank You, PSX2000 Posted by KungfuJoe on 01:13:2002 06:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by psx2000 I just thought I would let you know that I edited your topic. Please read this thread though, . It will save you from getting any future threads closed. Thank You, PSX2000 I've read the guide lines two days after I started this thread so yes I already know that I goof, but thanks for the reminder anyway. Posted by LOWDOWNMUTHAFUC on 02:15:2002 07:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by intangiBLZ Colosus,hulk,Juggernaut is a tight ass team. All three characters take damage insanely well, have powerful combo's, and compliment each other great. Oh yeah and if you can trap the other guy in the corner they're so fucked. here's an awesome Collosus corner combo jumping roundhouse (call hulk dash assist), jump and catch them with the his throw special (qcf lp rotate the joystick for more damage) OTG, s. hk , sj. lp,lk, lp , dash special (qcf lk) dash super move (qcf two punches) Thank you thank you thatz tha squad that i always beat you with, and tha squad that getz all tha wins Posted by Omilit on 02:15:2002 07:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by PoP N Fresh Colossus aint no joke if u know how to play with him. I play with Colosus,hulk,Juggernaut and let me tell u what colossus will tear u a new asshole if u are up against a good player who knows how to use him..this guy from tallahasse show'ed me some good stuff on how to play with colossus and omg he Hurts. just words of the wise when u see colossus on youre screen put youre guard up. Please share. I really see no great use for coll, other than his assist. I believe he has one of the highest damaging corner combos. Posted by Spider-Dan on 02:16:2002 12:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by TS Sure...that's the whole concept behind throwing people out of stuff. And throws actually do have certain priorities in relation to other throws...just get some emulator and put Fierce for 1p and 2p on the same button, and then do the same with towards...certain characters throws will beat other's all the time. Actually, that's unrelated. In SF2 series for example, you will notice that when two characters are bumped up against one another (overlapping), one character is "in front" (relative to the background)? That's not random. I might get which one is in front or back mixed up, you can test it to be sure. But either way, here's how it works: The character that moved last is in front (superimposed) when they overlap. In other words, if the characters are overlapping, and 1P is in front, and 2P ducks and stands back up, 2P will now be in front. The character that is in BACK has throw priority. Meaning, as long as ranges aren't an issue, and the throws are done at the exact same time, the character in back will win every time. I imagine this protection is put in to discourage "inescapable ticks" (though this was a much bigger issue before throw escapes). Since the character that was standing still has priority, the aggressor would lose in a tie. Posted by teammember001 on 02:20:2002 06:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by BarrelO Since a few of you don't seem to understand the snapback glitch, let me explain it in a bit more detail. When Colossus is in Super Armor mode, do a punch throw (the one with the rocks). Then while he's encased in the rocks, hit him with a snapback. He won't get snapped out, but his super armor will be gone. Granted, he can break out of the rocks, but if you throw him in the corner, you can hit him while he's bouncing and he can't get out. Does it works against Sentinel? Posted by IownSilentStorm on 02:20:2002 03:54 PM: no Posted by Adam*Warlock on 02:24:2002 09:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by Spider-Dan Actually, that's unrelated. In SF2 series for example, you will notice that when two characters are bumped up against one another (overlapping), one character is "in front" (relative to the background)? That's not random. I might get which one is in front or back mixed up, you can test it to be sure. But either way, here's how it works: The character that moved last is in front (superimposed) when they overlap. In other words, if the characters are overlapping, and 1P is in front, and 2P ducks and stands back up, 2P will now be in front. The character that is in BACK has throw priority. Meaning, as long as ranges aren't an issue, and the throws are done at the exact same time, the character in back will win every time. I imagine this protection is put in to discourage "inescapable ticks" (though this was a much bigger issue before throw escapes). Since the character that was standing still has priority, the aggressor would lose in a tie. Actually, that only applies to the normal SF engine, not to the versus series. The 1st player will always be in front of the 2nd player when overlapping (on DC at least). By that rule, the second player will ALWAYS have priority which isn't true. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:41 AM. Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.